Sunday, November 19, 2017

🇬🇭 Ghana 🇬🇭

We made Peanut Butter Chicken Soup for lunch Saturday. It was a soup I got the recipe for on my mission from an investigator from Ghana. We ate it over rice. Most of the girls liked it, but Amy liked it the most.

This investigator was the one I named Amy after. Her name was Amy Fynn. She was regal, with polished manners and totally prepared to receive the truth of the restored gospel. She was reading the Bible for an hour every morning, and when we introduced her to the Book of Mormon, she immediately recognized its truthfulness and that it bore a strong witness of Jesus Christ.

Her baptism was wonderful. She was so prepared. She had been in an abusive marriage, and was staying with her niece when we taught her. She wanted to be prepared for baptism, and forgive her ex husband, but didn’t know how to do it. She told us how she said a prayer, and then called him. "I forgive you," she said. "Do you forgive me?" She was such a Christlike example to me, and I knew I wanted to name my first daughter after her.

I hope eating these foods from around the world can help our girls appreciate other cultures and people, and know that we are all God’s children and have wonderful things to share with each other.

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